Ch. Jazzberry's On The Eighth Day, JH, RN
By BISS Am./Intl./Jap. Ch. Vasara's One For The Kipper, JH, ROM and
Ch. Jazzberry's Say You Say Me, ROM
Date of Birth: 8.8.08 (The Luckiest Day of the Millennium!)
Registration Number:  SR52101402
Breeders: Jenny O'Neil, Debbie Baker,
Jazzberry Vizslas & Jenna Iacobellis
Owners: Corinne & Lore Russo & Jenna Iacobellis,
KaraJen Vizslas
OFA: To Be Done
DNA: V564987
Biography Coming Soon!!
Sophie's Son
Bragging Rights!
Rockland County Kennel Club, 2.21.09 - Best of Winners - 3 POINT MAJOR
New Brunswick Kennel Club, 3.21.09 - Best of Winners, Best Puppy -  1 Point
Springfield Kennel Club, 4.17.09 - Best of Winners, Best Puppy, Puppy Group 2 - 1 Point
Pioneer Valley Kennel Club, 4.18.09 - Best of Winners, Best of Breed - 4 POINT MAJOR
Connecticut Valley Vizsla Club Specialty, 6.6.09 - Best Puppy in Sweepstakes
Connecticut Valley Vizsla Club Supported Entry, 6.7.09 - Grand Sweepstakes Winner,
Reserve Winners Dog
Vizsla Club of Northern NJ Specialty, 9.5.09 - Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes
Vizsla Club of Greater NY Specialty, 9.6.09 - Best in Sweepstakes
Vizsla Club of America National Events, 10.27.09:
1st Place Sweepstakes (12-15 mo)
3rd Place 12-18
Corinne & Nikko ~ Best Junior Handler
Windham County Kennel Club, 11.21.09 - Winners Dog - 4 POINT MAJOR
Delaware Water Gap Kennel Club, 12.13.09 - Winners Dog - 3 POINT MAJOR
Eastern German Shorthair Pointer Club Hunt Test, 4.25.10 - Junior Hunter Leg #1
CT Valley Vizsla Club Specialty, 6.12.10 - Rally Novice (RN) Leg #1
Newton Kennel Club, 9.4.10 - Select Dog (2 Grand CH Points)
Eastern German Shorthair Pointer Club Hunt Test, 10.24.10 - Junior Hunter Leg #2
Delaware Valley GWP Club Hunt Test, 10.31.10 - Junior Hunter Leg #3
Nutmeg Weimaraner Club Hunt Test, 11.7.10 - Junior Hunter Leg #4
Monticello Kennel Club Rally Trial, 3.12.11 - Rally Novice (RN) Leg #2
Rally Trial To Be Named, 3.20.11 - Rally Novice (RN) Leg # 3
1st Major at 6 Months
Best in Sweepstakes - June 2009
Breeder / Judge Judy Saddlemire, Kezdet Vizslas
Best of Breed (over 9 specials)
2nd Major at 8 Months
... the puppy who just floats ...
3rd Major
November 2009
4th Major ~ New Champion
December 2009
Nikko and Corinne
*Best Junior Handler*
VCA National Specialty
October 2009
Multiple Specialty Best in Sweepstakes Winner