Russet Leather Indian Style
By Ch. Russet Leather Whisperer and Russet Leather Dawn Rider
April 23, 2000 - February 13, 2012
AKC Registration Number: SN75366902
Bred by: Beverley and Adrian Wanjon,
Russet Leather Vizslas
Owned, Loved & Spoiled Rotten by: Karen and Jenna Iacobellis
After a (mere) 36-hour round-trip flight from Newark, NJ to Los Angeles and THEN back
again, Mya FINALLY arrived in our home in June of 2000.

Since her very first day here, Mya had decided that she would be "Ruler of this Roost" and
consequently, has not relinquished that position since her arrival...

She is an extreme delight to have around, and is most certainly the most intelligent Vizsla
we have every owned.  While we have retired from the "ring" scene, Mya continues to fill
our lives with much love and continuous entertainment!!!