CH Russet Leather Golden Empire IC
By Golden Empire's King Neptune and Golden Empire Russlethr Tabu, JH
July 9, 1998 - April 7, 2010
Breeders: Michele & Larry Coburn (
Golden Empire Vizslas) & Beverley & Adrian Wanjon
Owned and Loved by: Jenna Iacobellis and Beverley Wanjon (
Russet Leather Vizslas)
"Icy" joined our family at the age of three. After ten months of limited showing, Icy completed her
championship with back-to-back major wins, including a Specialty win, defeating over 40 bitches! As a
baby, Icy earned BOS in Sweepstakes at the 1999 VCA National Specialty. She is now semi-retired,
making seldom, often very successful appearances in the show ring ... Though she "likes" birds, she'll do
anything for a snack!!!
Icy completing her championship after defeating over 40 bitches! Shown with friend, Siren,
and human friend, Debbie, as Siren was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch to Icy.
Icy Princess
Icy - Best of Breed
Nationals 2004